Lament by Lathalia Song

Lament by Lathalia Song


An illustration of figures interacting with nature in a surreal far away landscape. The image is repeated in black and white, being flipped and positioned differently across a mottled grey/green/purple/cream background that resembles silk cloth.

the sensation of flying

waterskyfliers and Icarus' cousin

followed birds who

fly thro air as fish swim

her feathered arms strong

above river and lake

her tears drop

whispers of gods wisdom

when earth dries and cracks

paranoia’s perpetual pattern

knots up the sunsets

drying out waters voice

the river fish

show waterskyfliers

how to move

within time

their rhythm of dancing

shouts out to the trees to

grow out of rocks

so barrenness

becomes life

with golden waters

now waterskyfliers can dance

and fly just above

the trees who taught them

to scatter palms of grief tears

into rain

flying is like falling

only you’ve done it before

know when to lift up


they brought the rain home on strings

behind them towing the clouds of tears

harnessed to souls by epic

long spirals of pi 3.14159

the consequence of which

caused the sinuosity of a meander-ing river

mapping sinews mirroring

the heat of solar

electrons in spherical harmonies

their flux

curves spacetime


spiraled patterns

almost undescribed

by line or square

of proven or disproven

its fluxousness tells

transcendental bridges

to count light’s steps

their life is almost always


muscles that flex into electrons spaces

over a bridge of meandering light

it is almost three


trust like a child who knows little

that skipping rope patterns

hold up the universe

while you argue over particles

and subjects, the universe implodes

and is reborn again

right under your nose!




notes that

i do not know are

drawn up by pi’s



the life of our planet

in spirals of decay and life…


the bird with grief tails and fire wings

and a girl with an

eye on her head

endlessly catching and releasing

flung out to darkness

entombed awhile

then fully embraced


every incarnation honoured by

all seeing eyes from each wing

nine cycles of life and death

four remaining

the light chooses

our seasons;





flames with feathered tear drops

are frozen in

endless encased eyes

seers cry

for what they see


they found the garden

lost it in a week

veins racing fast

let go

strong gaze

at everything

from above

not within or next to

     joy soaring

close to a window

  a tree & around it

uplift again

  no bindings

up again above it all

    just us and the sky

all the rains below and within

(ps to lift off the earth

lean forward

let go

the first time is super scary)

the painful path

cemented by tears

of mortared honesty

and responsibilities work

hours hours hours hours

until we grow

the garden

nurtured by many

dead metamorphosis’

the wind of flight

and light of veils torn sharply


even when clouds obliterate


we are a silent garden


You can find more from Lathalia over on Instagram and grab a print from her Web Store if you love her work! Our Patrons can access a Creator Interview with the artist, join up if you want to know more about Lathalia’s process!


Executive Producers

Hayley Scrivenor

Dani Ringrose

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