Three Poems From Christine Hamm

Three Poems From Christine Hamm

[her brain and club foot]*

Through the bathroom

window, you track a hummingbird

dabbing at the feeder.

A black particulate floats

along the pink syrup. Smell of stale

newspapers and rot.

A series of differently

shaped pills, then the liquids to

subdue the pills. Even

asleep, you can feel him

drift under the covers -- damp,

clicking his teeth like an insect.

* The title in brackets is taken from the records of a doctor who treated the mentally ill: From Case 10, “Twenty-two cases of Juvenile General Paralysis” 1899, Federick Walker Mott


[in an early stage]*

Television about the dead,

the magic in their bodies. A series of

differently shaped pills, then

liquids to subdue the pills.

An elderly Vulcan woman sits in black

silks, her throne elevated.

Your eyes drift to the fire. The last

time you rested your thumb against the red

spiral of the stove, you felt your scalp lift.

* The title in brackets is taken from the records of a doctor who treated the mentally ill: From Case 10, “Twenty-two cases of Juvenile General Paralysis” 1899, Federick Walker Mott


[careless in her dress]*

In the back ward, when birds fly overhead, their

shadows follow as faint stains. A series of differently

shaped pills, then liquids to subdue the pills. He

leaves you an offering under the fire alarm –

a blue bowl with water, milk, a half-smoked cigar.

A monster of such caliber is easily bored.

* The title in brackets is taken from the records of a doctor who treated the mentally ill: From Case 10, “Twenty-two cases of Juvenile General Paralysis” 1899, Federick Walker Mott


You can find more from Christine over on Instagram!


Executive Producers

Hayley Scrivenor

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Dani Ringrose

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