July Editorial

July Editorial

Baby Teeth Just Turned 7!

As of July 2nd Baby Teeth Journal is officially 7 years old. We haven’t done much to celebrate birthdays in the past but this year we thought hey why not?

We’ll be doing some celebratory things throughout July so keep an eye on the Patreon and our socials for a heads up on nostalgic looks back, birthday store sales, and maybe even a party via live stream! And of course we’ll be sharing more brilliant art and creative writing with you all.

Thank you to everyone who swung by Other Worlds Zine Fair last month, we had a wonderful time even after driving up to Sydney at eight in the morning.

A colourful collage style flyer with information about Strange Folds Zine Fair. Text too long to add here. Please see webpage for reader friendly information

Speaking of zines,

Strange Folds Zine Fair is officially happening again this year! Head over here for more info, and to apply to be a Stall Holder :D

Get Your Journal Submissions Ready

Despite the birthday themed everything else, Journal submissions remain theme free this month.

Make sure your submission follows the Guidelines! Please double check them, we feel so mean when we have to reject work on technicalities.

We once again had large yearly bills to pay (webhosting and business insurance) so unfortunately there are no proceeds to donate to MSF. However last month the brilliant poet Eartha Davis very generously donated her $25 publication payment, which has now been donated to MSF. Please give personally if you can.

Selling by Tom Campbell

Selling by Tom Campbell

Blackout Poetry Competition Winner June 2024

Blackout Poetry Competition Winner June 2024