September Editorial

September Editorial

Strange Folds Zine Fair is happening this month,

That’s right folks September is here and the countdown to Strange Folds is starting in earnest! We’ll see you all in Coledale on the 22nd for good zines and even gooder times!

You can find more information about the fair Right Here, and click attending on the FB Event so that other people see it and think ‘oh that looks cool I’ll check it out.’

This years’ poster is by our very own EIC, Lore White, our Patrons can see how the collage was made in a post about process :D

Before the fair however we’ll be publishing three more amazing writers, artists, and poets! See you on the 17th for Publication Day.

A collage style poster featuring a young girl playing the trumpet surrounded by roses. Mismatched letters spell out 'Strange Folds Zine Fair' Typewriter text reads: 10AM-3PM Sunday September 22nd Coledale Community Hall
An illustrated mouse character stands between two books,  text surrounded by stars reads: send us your art, September 1-23

Journal Submissions Are Open Too

It’s not all zines around here, we still publish amazing art from amazing people. If you’re an amazing person who makes amazing art we encourage you to submit this month!

You can find our Submission Guidelines here, and we strongly suggest following them carefully.

Half our readers fee proceeds are still going to MSF. Unfortunately after contributor payments and running costs there were no proceeds for August. We still urge you to donate personally to MSF and the many other charities providing aid in Palestine if you’re able to.

Liquid Genesis by Miranda Abbott

Liquid Genesis by Miranda Abbott

Two Poems From Scott-Patrick Mitchell

Two Poems From Scott-Patrick Mitchell