Fruit by Emma McNair

Fruit by Emma McNair

This exhibition is slightly different to the portraiture known for my art, as the visual focus is placed on fruit.

The process of drawing for me is very therapeutic, it cracks open that outer shell and gets my brain moving! These illustrations focus on the visual process of my art making practice. The process of pulling out what’s deep inside that messy brain of mine, and putting those thoughts into creative energy.

I chose fruit as the representation of my artistic practice as it has both an exterior and interior essence. There is the exterior shell protecting the gooey, seedy mess on the inside, but once cut open there is so much juicy goodness that exudes sensuality.

Kiwi Fruit.png

Find more of Emma's art on Instagram


Executive Producers

Sue White

Daniel Henson

Sarah Hunt

Mother's Milk, & the ghost in your air con by Rae White

Mother's Milk, & the ghost in your air con by Rae White

Abyssopelagic, Ocean of Depression (I know the sea), Paint Haiku, & Untitled by John Blackley

Abyssopelagic, Ocean of Depression (I know the sea), Paint Haiku, & Untitled by John Blackley