NUCLEAR by Sofija
there are a lot of ways / to go from clean to dirty
refusing to brush teeth / eating flowers / wearing lace underwear / losing virginities
it’s absurd / how quickly everyone can change their mind to suit an agenda
whenever I eat flowers soil gets stuck in my teeth / gritty
like popping candy, plaque & his condolences / the prime minister would say i’m dirty
unladylike / vitriolic / ungracious
i shouldn’t be so unkept / but there are too many chemicals in hair dye & mascara
do chemicals in food not count? / lies on mobiles? / nuclear waste in soil? / the worst air quality
in the world? / the prime minister’s forceful hands? / selfish prayers? / poisonous voice?
nightmares are less scary than pollution & the economy / turning the sky to
the colour of my eyes / a murky dam / before it became iridescent
remember oil on bitumen? / we thought it was pretty
took photos for instagram / where we are even prettier
add filters so that the colours are brighter / my eyes can be purple if I want them to
my teeth can be whiter / cheekbones higher / i’m a liar
because sometimes i don’t care about the chemicals in new things / their permeable satisfaction
helps me forget that they will never break down cleanly / even though I can see them swirling
forever in that damn dam / but that’s not how you delete it
four billion years for nuclear waste to become safe to absorb / it’s in the dam & the soil
inside me too / maybe out of sight, out of mind applies here?
because I can submerge myself into the damn / become stained in a reflective dull rainbow
& still the politicians can’t see / we are the same as the dead fish
no matter how desperately we pretend that we are not
Find more from Sofija over on Instagram @heavilycrazed & @sofijaaaaaaaa
Executive Producers
Daniel Henson
Karolina Ristevski
Sue White
Elliot Cameron