How To Be Saved & My (our) Strap by Salem B Holden

How To Be Saved & My (our) Strap by Salem B Holden

18+ Warning: These works are sexually explicit.

How To Be Saved

(choose anarchy)

choose sinful sediment instead

hold hands and make out with other dyke boys

trade clothes and

choose double entendres

double mastectomies

write love poems and hide them

under their pillow

hoping the gender affirming fairy

will grant them

a non-silicone phallus

chose life rafts

instead of steamboats

choose yourself and throw out

your birthname—forget your DNA too—

rewrite the code with red blue bottles

choose a body that feels like home

pray to genderqueer Jesus

all the girlboys want to kiss you too

after anchoring in androgens together

choose salvation through sin:

suck each other’s straps in the women’s bathroom

and then finger fuck in the men’s

stare at the clouds like Alan Watts would

and know they’re blinking back at you

be like a tree—dendrites and all—

grow ten different limbs

and when the city cuts them off

grow ten more

choose anarchy

choose sin

choose burnt bibles

choose confessions

but only confess the good.


My (Our) Strap

I stared at my (our) strap after we (i) broke up

with you, its base nuzzled in the black hole o-

ring of our love was amazing and righteous

and fearless and i don’t really want to lose

you or my (our) strap but i know i have to buy

my own strap with its orange phallus mixing

with the blues and pinks and the cum stains

i’ve never washed (i know we were afraid to

wash them away) but fuck Tom Robbins,

love never stays and it does, doesn’t it? my

woodpecker penis will never feel the same

inside of another person, the gentle and hard

thrust as i grabbed your hips and felt our

bodies move in sync i’ve never known a love

language like the one when my (our) strap

with its fictitious veins protruding like the

ones out of my (our) hands like tree trunks

and yours entangle mine and my (our) strap

enters me and my cum becomes your cum i

know my (our) strap should have never been

yours or mine and i’m sorry to have shared it

so much with you but i’m also not sorry and

glad that night i superglued the dildo into the

strap hoping the glue would never

disintegrate my fingers melded together and i

tried to lick the glue clean my hands are raw

with your scent i never want to wash off (but

why did we (i) wash each other away?)


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Executive Producers

Hayley Scrivenor

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