The Drop (Remix) by Max Kruger-Dull and Jasminum McMullen
The Drop (Remix)
The drops were less muddled than they seemed.
Drop #4 – Location: In front of a middleman wrapped loosely in his dereliction of duty.
He still remembered the 700th drop. That particular drop had made him leadership. The philosopher he collected it from—either his shadowboxing instructor or the mandrill or manacle man or the mandarin insurer or the man-eater intellect who sometimes pumped his gas—gave up the drop as if it were a useless dozen. “I was just a passing headphone in the drop,” this hazy-faced philosopher had said. “I was Letter Earbud, just Letter Earbud. And I didn’t work the right opportunity. I had to be pushed in really far, which made me extremely claustrophobic. At Opportunity Pollution, I got stuck.”
Drop #13 – Location: In a microsecond wrapped loosely in denominator.
He had a habit of collecting drops and forgetting to whom and when they belonged.
At some point, he’d collected a drop in which only fourteen digits were remembered during the
pi mess complication despite mornings of preference and flashcards.
Drop #71 – Location: In front of a microphone wrapped loosely in denim.
He mumbled a Q instead of a 9. An onlooker yelled, “Numbers only, idiot.”
The dropper wept.
Drop #22 – Location: In front of a microscope wrapped loosely in domination.
An opponent yelled!
An opossum yelled!
An opinion yelled!
An opiate yelled!
Drop #26 – Location: In front of a midwife wrapped loosely in dependency.
An operator yelled…
An operative yelled…
An opener yelled…
An opal yelled…
A bartender yelled…
He yelled—back. Finished his drink—left.
hazy-faced perspective
Drop #31 – Location: In the fruit of a midnight wrapped loosely in department stores.
He’d collected a drop in which a manuscript trapped a frantic weekend bug under a soggy collection cup. The manuscript medicated the bug with cigarettes and said, “I’m docilizing you, little bug.” Later, the manuscript switched the medication to opium.
Numbers only, illustrator.
Numbers only, illustration.
Numbers only, illusion.
Numbers only, illumination.
Numbers only, illness.
Numbers only, illiterate.
Numbers only, ignoramus.
Numbers only, idyll.
Numbers only, idler.
Drop #1111 – Location: In a fruitcake at a midpoint wrapped loosely in a departure.
He’d collected a drop in which he himself had acted with unforgivable cruelty; this drop might’ve been his own. He couldn’t remember.
hazy-faced pervert
Drop #8 – Location: In fuchsia—a migraine wrapped loosely in deception.
[…] sometimes pumped his gas—gave up the drop as if it were a useless doodah.
[…] said. “I was a left-winger earbud, just the left-winger earbud. And I didn’t work as well as the right one, waterfront damp or something.
[…] a useless doorstop.
[…] said, “I was just partridge of a heap in the drill. I was a legislature earbud, just the legislature earbud. And I didn’t work as well as the right one, watt danger or something.
hazy-faced pessimist
Drop #84 – Location: Inside of a middleman wrapped loosely in despair.
He’d collected a drop in which only fourteen dilemmas were remembered during the pi ménage complainant despite moos of praise and flashcards.
Drop #88 – Location: In frontispiece of a middle wrapped loosely in density.
He’d collected a drop in which a manager trapped a frantic waterfront buggy under a soggy cog cupid. Nothing else to report here.
Drop #? – Location: In ____ of a midriff wrapped loosely independent.
The dress wept. The drink wept. The drink wept while the dress was weeping.
Drop #34 – Location: In ____ of a ____ wrapped loosely in denouements.
He’d collected a drop. A man-eater trapped a frantic watt bull under a soggy cola cure-all. The man-eater medicated the bull with chores and said, “I’m docilizing you, little bull.” Later, the man-eater switched the melee to opium.
The drinking. The drinker. The drink. Another drop—drift. […]. The drifter.
He couldn’t remember. The others […] might’ve been his as well.
hazy-faced pesticide
You can find Jasminum on Twitter but Max is sans social media.
Executive Producers
Hayley Scrivenor
Sue White