March Editorial

March Editorial


Something different about this Editorial catch your eye?

We’re making space on the Journal for independent businesses, freelancers, and arts organisations to advertise the things they do best.

Instead of trying our luck with Google Adsense again, we’ve decided to work directly with people and projects that we actually want to tell our audience about! Because we want to work with smaller businesses we’ve created a tier system of advertising packages that start at a $25 single ad spot and go all the way up to Partnering up for a year.

If you’re interested in working with us on some ads please Get In Touch via our contact page and we’ll send you through more information. Our first sponsored publications will start in April.

Triple Word Score Poetry Competition

Our first poetry competition for 2025 also happens to be our first Patreon Exclusive poetry competition and the first Triple Word Score Competition!

Baby Teeth Patrons will compete to make the best and/or highest point scoring poem from a word list generated by the Scrabble game from our 7th birthday live stream. Full details and competition rules can be found here.

Prizes include publication and an enamel pin!

Become a Patreon Patron to Enter

White text on top of a scanned photo of a messy artist's desk reads: SEND ART Submissions open March 1-24

Open Journal Submissions

Regular Journal submissions are also open of course. Send us work between March 1-24 and you might just get it published. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the Submission Guidelines. We had a few people having trouble with the submissions process last round, take some time to read the information on the submissions page to avoid confusion.

Three Poems From Wylde J. Parsley

Three Poems From Wylde J. Parsley