Tidy Things & Something's wrong by Jess Martin
Tidy Things
tidy things are asking
waiting for some happening
for entropy
promising drama
will come to every thing
that waits and is still
like rest is the growing
potential for movement
like contentment is the growing
momentum of distress
within the body
like order is to be swallowed up
and danced around your bedroom
like every body belongs
writhing on their kitchen counter
bathroom floor
like still baths are for drowning in
and landscapes are for demolished walls
and portraits are for news bulletins
and waiting / you are an object
you do not fit down the plug hole
Something’s wrong
this skin isn’t on tight enough
and all I can do to communicate
is shake and wave
like a mascot
Happy Healthy Harold
or PB the lead smart dinosaur
that’s personification
before you even realise
there’s an actor inside
you’re hiding your self
under the car seat
hoping children can’t find the lie
because you haven’t yet
and as you’re waved to bed
by Bakana Bilby
begin to question why
your eyes are open
and you have not learned
to blink
Find more from Jess over on their Instagram.