August Editorial

August Editorial

Alright let’s get right to it

The prose and poetry coming your way this month gets a bit self referential, some might even say metatextual. We’ve got brand new artists and some new works from an old favourite! Meet you back here on the 20th for some quality reads.

Strange Folds Zine Fair Stall Holder Applications have now closed. We’re taking some time to go through all of your portfolios and will be responding to everyone in the next few days. Keep an eye on that inbox!

More Art Please!

Journal Submissions are open through to August 26th, no theme, just good work!

Make sure to Follow The Guidelines.

Half of our Readers fee proceeds from July amount to $16 which is being rounded up to $20 and being donated to Doctors Without Borders to support medical aid work in Palestine. Please give personally if you can.


Thank You to Our Patreon Patrons

We spent the majority of last month celebrating our 7th birthday with our Patrons and it was a lot of fun!

There’s a lot of bonus content and activities happening over there (including live streams and Patron only poetry competitions). Our lowest tier is $1 a month — $12 for a whole year of exclusive content! Truly the greatest deal in arts patronage. You can also join up as a free member, and doing so is the best way to stay in the loop with us, algorithms be damned.

Become a Baby Teeth Patron

Jessica in Parentheses by Anna May Samson

Jessica in Parentheses by Anna May Samson

A State of Decoherence by Kate Horowitz

A State of Decoherence by Kate Horowitz